Saturday, May 18, 2024

Living the Crafty Happy Life!

 Life Happens - it's all good!


Wishing I'd been keeping up - recording what I've been doing, ideas I've found, and posting photos of the good times that bring me JOY! Oh! and doing better at keeping organized!!


Never to late to hit "restart" with "renewed goals"!! 

With the closure of Close to My Heart and the switch over to Stampin' Up - it's a good time to organize and start posting new projects. 


April '24 was the first ladies' craft retreat I had at church. It was fun and I'm looking forward to doing it again. My crafting focus has been with kids at church. I plan to continue "Craft Camp" in August, but have it more focused on specific projects: 

  • "Journaling Books" will always be an option

  • "Paper Making" has been on my list forever.......

  •  and the Latest??  Creating jump ropes with T shirts! 

    I saw it posted on the GEMS Counselor web site. 

    The newest project I've found to create as a service project for our GEMS girls. (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior)



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