
Saturday, March 1, 2014

February has come and gone... How can it be?

I know February is a short month, but this is crazy...... it's already over.  How can that be.  I just attended a fabulous CTMH event in Seattle.  I've set a goal to post weekly!!!! so now my friends, if you don't hear from me - let me know - hold me accountable. :-)Here's a recap of February.  Pictures will follow... not saying when, but I will post ASAP.
1. Februrary 1 - I was recovering from a fundraiser for our church GEMS girls' club.  I'm the club coordinator and have 4 counselors who are a great support.  We had a Baked Potato Bar and Chili plus Bunko Family Fun Night - raised $955.  Whooo Hoooo! Thanks to everyone who helped put the FUN in FUNdraising
2. February 8 - Traveled to Abbotsford with 12 GEMS girls/moms/grandmas/mentors to the "We Walk Tour"  A praise and worship, games and more event with a challenge to girls in grades 1-8 to be who God created them to be. Micah 6:8: "....what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
3. February 14-16 - Attended Creative University at Camp Lutherhaven on Lake Couer d'Alene a crafting event designed and hosted by Tresa Black.  Great time...crafting.  This was my 4th year and is one of my "must attend" events each year even though it's a 7 hour drive. We had 4 classes; 
1) Layout and Card, 2) Technique Boutique Cards (20), 3) Jewelry, and 4) Mini Album.  
4. February 22 - Paper-crafting with GEMS girls working on their Stamping Badge.
5. February 26 - Trip to Seattle for the CTMH Rediscover Event.  cost - $30 and we got $70 in products - a Hip Pic Album and papers/2 stamp sets, Jewelry - pendent necklace and extras.  It was here I set a goal to post to my blog - WEEKLY!! can I do it?

Plus, on the side I actually work FT; of course it was a busy month at work, too.  The snow days were a blessing just to recuperate! Retirement is looking really good these days.  :-)  I'm loving my Crafty-Happy Studio and don't seem to find enough time to play there.

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