
Saturday, December 13, 2014

♫ It's looking a lot like Christmas! ♫

Well, at least in the stores and the decorated homes I see in the dark while driving home from school.  I've also attended three Christmas programs this week and tomorrow I'll attend Don's concert  with the Whatcom Chorale performing Gifts from on High: Handel's Messiah at Western Washington University.  I see posts on FB of the decorated trees, and wonder when I will find time to get out our decorations.  One more week of school and then a two week winter break.  Yeah!

The first Christmas program was our church children presenting "Christmas by the Book".  They had limited time for rehearsal and did a great job!  Those kids are so precious and growing up so fast!  I still remember the Christmas when our 12 year old grandson was "baby Jesus"  in the manger.  Thursday night, I attended the St. Paul's Academy Concert where two of our middle school grand-kids sang in the choir, including the former "baby Jesus". 

My plans to have my Crafty Happy Studio decorated today and begin working on Christmas Cards have changed.  Instead, we got to enjoy our youngest grandson for the week, starting Monday night after the Friendship Christmas Program and ending today at 2; I will be driving down to the Seattle Outlet Mall to meet his mom. We can never get enough time with him, he's so precious and so easy to have around.   It's been a FUN week,  especially the Family Fun Night at Lummi Nation School where I teach.  Kaydon made Christmas gifts which we need to finish today.   Here's our handsome dude who steals our heart! 

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